These 10 puppies arrived on Christmas Eve
General Information on Sire & Dam (Click here)
** May 20, 2012 UPDATE: SORRY, all available puppies from previous litters have been sold.
** March 24,2012 UPDATE. We have 1 female available from the Dec 24 litter and and 1 female (Isis) from the Dec 1st litter. Scroll down to see pictures below.
For anyone who is looking for a show prospect, Pia’s puppies will be the perfect conformation and the right size. Pia is a Paska daughter, quite possibly the most decorated and famous solid black German Shepherd of all time. If you’re looking for large dog’s with excellent confirmation, remember that they will NOT be good show prospects because over 80 lbs in a female and over 95 lbs in a male are NOT attractive characteristics for show dogs. I personally disagree. However, I’m not a judge in the show ring.
If you want BIG solid black shepherds with excellent conformation and speed, you want Beauty’s puppies. Razor is one of Beauty’s pups and you can see his mammoth size at 6 months and how awesome he is at 7 months of age (on premises). If you want the perfect combination of conformation and size for show, then Pia’s puppies are what you want. Pia is a V rated dog, (the highest rating for temperment and confirmation possible, defined as “highly recommended for breeding”)
Both Beauty and Pia’s puppies have incredible drive that can be turned “on” and “off” (not so common in working dog lines) and are absolutely the best candidates for SchH sport, tracking, military, law enforcement, search and rescue or personal protection. But Pia’s temperament is superior to that of Beauty’s.
Male 5-Caesar at 1 month
Ceasar at 8 weeks.
10 weeks
Sold- Congratulations Alaine C Cooley of Carlisle OH!
Female 1- Heidi at 1 month
8 weeks SOLD – Relocating in Charlotte NC
Male 6- Sebastian at 1 month
SOLD- Congratulations John & Michelle! His new name is “Gunner” and he has relocated to Boston MA
See video taken Feb 20, 2012, at 2 months old (Download videos: Puppy 6-a, Puppy 6-b). To view videos, please download by right clicking on video file and selecting “save target as” and save the file on your desktop.
Female 2 – Roxy at 1 month
at 10 weeks. SOLD- To Thanh Hieu Tran, of LongMeadows, MA
Male 7- Barron at 1 month
3 months
Leah Gath & family of Luverne MH
See video taken Feb 20, 2012, at 2 months old (Download videos: Puppy 7-a). To view videos, please download by right clicking on video file and selecting “save target as” and save the file on your desktop.
Female 3 Jasmine “Jazzy” on left.
Male 8- Max at 8 weeks. Max will be retained by the Meadows. SOLD- will be relocating to Charlotte NC.
Male 9- Atlas at 1 month SOLD- Congratulations Trevor Thrussell. Atlas has relocated to Vancouver Canada.
See video taken Feb 20, 2012, at 2 months old (Download videos: Puppy 9 (with 6)). To view videos, please download by right clicking on video file and selecting “save target as” and save the file on your desktop.
Rocky & Roxi 1 month
Male 10 -Rocky at 2 months
Rocky at 10 weeks. SOLD- Congratulations Rocky & James Bednar of Allentown PA!
See video taken Feb 20, 2012, at 2 months old (Download videos: Puppy 10-a). To view videos, please download by right clicking on video file and selecting “save target as” and save the file on your desktop.
Female 4 -Sasha SOLD-retained by The Meadows.
Pictures Feb 20, 2012 (2 months old)
Older Photos of the litter.
New born puppies.
2 1/2 week old pups.
3 1/2 weeks old pups. Still sleeping a lot but more alert when awake.
We have the best all black German Shepherd lines available anywhere in the world. We have various age black German Shepherd puppies for sale that are available, either as is, or with additional training in obedience or both obedience and protection. Click here for all of our Black German Shepherd Puppies For Sale.
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