V Bronco von Wiese, IPO 3, KKl
[youtube link=”http://youtu.be/rg5HL8VyTR4″ width=”590″ height=”390″]
Bronco is a Paska grand-son, son of the beautiful late V Enno vom Johannishölzchen. Brono was bred by our friend Vincent Tran and we acquired him at the age of around 11 months. At 14 months, Bronco was sent to Germany and finished his training prior to turning two years old. Although not as large as Unkas or Nolan, Bronco optimizes Paska, his grand-father who we have based our entire breeding program on. Bronco’s grace and fluidity in motion is absolutely a pleasure to witness. He practically glides on the ground when he runs. An extremely powerful dog, he is pound for pound, stronger than his uncles Unkas and Nolan. Bronco is the product of a 2-3 line breeding on Paska and is a perfect example of the superiority of the 2-3 line breeding technique, assuming that the dog the program was based on was a flawless dog.
V Bronco von Wiese, IPO 3, Kkl – Pedigree
[youtube link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uk-u9FKsVAg” width=”590″ height=”315″]
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