Beniti’s puppies arrived early evening, Dec 26, 2012.  It was a nice “after Christmas” present for us all.  She had 9 healthy puppies….3 males and 6 females…YES, just like Nara!  Go figure!  So right now we have 6 males (3 from each litter) and 12 females (6 from each litter) and we have deposits for 9 males (UUUGGGHHH!).

Not to worry…Pia’s litter is due on January 16, 2013.  Hopefully we’ll have enough males to fill all our deposit holder’s needs.  But we do have some females for sale.  Exceptional 2-3 females on Paska are perfect for breeding programs in the future and will make exceptional companion or competition dogs of your choice.  Pictures coming soon. For more information, visit Unkas + Beniti Puppies (H litter).